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You Can Explore The Inside Of A Mountain At This Stunning North Carolina Cavern

The only show cave in North Carolina.

If you live in North Carolina, then you know there is no shortage of amazing natural places you can visit. From mountains to islands, you won't run out of things to do anytime soon. While you're at it, why not check out some caves in North Carolina?

When you visit Linville Caverns in Marion, North Carolina, you're going to be in for a real treat. That's because these caverns actually let you explore the inside of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

These caverns are gorgeous, and you can tour them for just $9. They're open daily starting in March and going until October, so now is the perfect time to check them out.

Don't worry if you're afraid about exploring a cave alone. There are helpful guides that will take you through the caverns, explaining the formations and the creatures that live there.

This is actually the only show cavern in North Carolina, so it's perfect for those who don't feel comfortable enough exploring a cave on their own.

You'll also get more information about the history of the location and how it was discovered by fisherman hundreds of years ago. Not only is the cave one of the most beautiful spots in the state, but you're sure to learn a lot along the way.

The caverns are about 52 degrees Fahrenheit even in the summer, so make sure you bring a jacket with you when you go exploring.

The floors of the caverns can also be slippery, especially when it's wet outside. Therefore, it's a good idea to wear comfortable shoes that have some grip to them.

When you visit in the fall or winter, you might even be able to see different types of bats. Don't worry, though—they don't pose any risk to humans, and they are actually pretty cute.

The next time you feel like visiting a new natural spot in North Carolina, Linville Caverns should be at the top of your list.

Linville Caverns

Price: $9

Address: 19929 US 221 North, Marion, NC

Why You Need To Go: You can see what the inside of the Blue Ridge Mountains look like at this gorgeous North Carolina cave.

We strongly advise that before you go swimming or visit any location, you check the most recent updates on potential hazards, security, water quality, and closures. If you do plan to visit a location, respect the environment.

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